Steps To Membership

Membership is available to all persons 18 and older who support the Seven Principles, complete the Pathways to Membership Class and respond to a request for financial support.

Getting Involved

Here are ways for you to get involved in congregational life:

  • Attend social events
  • Participate in social hour after service
  • Join a committee
  • Help with landscape clean up days
  • Participate in Advocates for Racial Justice meetings and events
  • Teach a Youth or Adult Religious Education class
  • Sing in choir

To get more involved, take a look at our Committee Handbook or talk to one of our members.

Pathways to Membership Class

Pathways to Membership Class is held two or three times each year. We hope to offer one in early 2024, date TBD.

This class covers UU history, our Seven Principles, congregational governance, and prepares you to be an active member of our congregation.

We discuss our personal spiritual journeys and how we share our time, talent and treasure with our beloved community.  This is also a time to ask questions about being a UU.

Attending the class is open to all and is not a commitment to join as a member, but all who wish to become members must attend a Pathways Class.

Child care for this class is made available as needed.